Entering high school (secondary school), my admission was sent to Queens college, Yaba, an all girls school. This because the person in charge of admissions made a mistake and wrote Uchechi instead of Uchechukwu. They both mean the same thing “The heart of God” but the former refers to a girl. This delayed my start. It was difficult to stay home while others were in school because of someone’s mistake. I was sent to an underfunded seminary to pass the time. It was easy then to believe that God did not like me. Maybe He had singled me out for punishment because I took $5 from my dad’s pocket without telling him last year. Graduating from King’s college years later, I could only thank God for that mistake and the delay. Were it not for that, I would not have been grounded enough to survive the temptations I faced at KC.
There is a reason, and it’s a good one
The life of a Christian is not smooth sailing, but every tribulation and temptation faced serves a purpose. God never promised you bliss till He returns. But He did say His burden is light. You are highly favored to know Him now. The devil will go after your faith, wanting to force you to your knees in surrender. But be of good cheer, your Lord has overcome the world. And as you hold on to the hope that is in Him, He will carry you through and bring you home. That you don’t give up, that you have faith when it’s so difficult to do so, that’s genius. That’s when He is near. He is very near to the broken-hearted.
At the end of the day, God owns the day
As long as you are breathing, you have a chance. Tomorrow can and will be better than today is. It’s what the Lord says, and you believe it. Lord help your unbelief. He will not just Strengthen your faith, but will input His own faith, His own righteousness in you. I can feel your Amen. This bleakness will give way to an enduring light. Your God will come and save you – He will. You will see.
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. – Matthew 11:28-30