God Keeps His Promises
God chose the children of Jacob (Israel) to be His people. His foreknowledge allows Him to do that. Seeing the end from the beginning, He is able to predestinate. The Israelites were disobedient to His commands so He gave them up to slavery in Egypt. But He did not leave them there to perish, He planned for them, a deliverance. In the fullness of time, God called Moses to rescue the Israelites from Egypt. God did not deal with the people directly, He dealt with them through Moses. And He did deliver them as He promised. There were ups and downs in their journey from Egypt to the promise land, but at the end, God kept His word, His promise, His covenant. Israel entered and possessed the promise land proving God is a God of the then.
The God You Serve
God is madly in love with you. He fights for you. He is upset when He is disobeyed. Yet, His anger lasts but for a while. His love is everlasting. He chastises with one hand, and with the other, He brings you closer to Himself. God does not renege on His promise to you nor does He backtrack on His covenant with you. He delivers you from trouble. God’s word is His bond. He is a God of details, of precision, of law and order. This is the God you serve. The God of the then
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets – Hebrews 1:1
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever – Hebrews 13:8