I sat lonely on my mattress, hands over my face and shoulders drooped as I considered my future, or lack of it. Here I was, 17 years old, a recent high school graduate with no prospect to pursue higher learning. I did not take the Joint Administrations and Matriculation Board (JAMB) exam because I believed God had called me preach His word around the world. So it made for a sad story when the schools I applied to responded asking me to pay $17,000 a year. Where on earth was I going to get that kind of money from? Sound familiar? For you, it’s where do I get the capital to start my business? Stay with me.
An Email That Changed it All
An email from Coach Bob Kouril, men’s soccer coach of the University of Indianapolis came in one bright morning. Bob wrote to encourage me not to give up. He wrote that the money to pay for my fees was available. I just had to give a reason why it should be given to me. Today, I extrapolate those wise statements into all aspects of my life. Do the same:
The money to achieve what you want in life is available. You only need to give life a reason to give it to you.
If that’s all you get from this letter, then it’s worth it. Bob served me through it. He made me believe I was worth the $8,000 scholarship he later awarded me after reviewing my SAT scores and watching my soccer videos. Why should I not believe in myself when Bob believes so strongly in me? Today, it’s difficult to shake that self confidence I first got through Bob. I graduated from the University of Indianapolis many years ago, but I’m yet to forget the long term thinking and life lessons Bob imparted into me.
Thank God for Uindy
Take a moment now to think of someone in your life who has helped you rise to the occasion because they believed in you, and appreciate him/ her. 18 months before I ever stepped foot on the campus, Bob Kouril believed in me. For the years I spent nurtured in her classrooms, Uindy believed in me. As it believes in it’s current 5,400 students under enrollment. And as it believes in it’s 30,000 active alumni. For 114 years, Uindy has not only allowed students of all creed pass through it, but has also passed through it’s students, imparting it’s motto: “Education for service”. If you’ve benefited from my gift, then it’s only apt that you too are grateful for what God did for me through Uindy. That together, we celebrate this #UindyDay and that we thank God for all the excellent citadels of higher learning around the world – just like the University of Indianapolis.

Announcement of pocket park at Cummins lot, with (left to right) UIndy President Rob Manuel, Uche Unogu, David Wantz, and David Forsell.
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Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth – 2 Timothy 2:15