It All Began With a Thought
The world began with a thought. Before the earth as we know it was spoken into being, it existed in God’s mind. The Bible says “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters …” Every reality you see and engage with today was once a thought. The plane you fly, the automobile you drive, the building you reside in – all were once figments of someone’s imagination. Someone thought it out and made it happen, or in God’s case, “spoke it happen”. Thoughts are powerful. Thoughts can change your circumstance from that of struggle to that of abundance in every way conceivable. And that exactly, is why there is a war being waged on your ability to use your mental faculty. On your ability to just sit and think.
The Waged War And Your Take Away
Righteousness and victory over sin is forged in your thoughts. Most acts are premeditated. For example, if you cast down masturbation thoughts in your mind, you are most likely not to act on it. There is a war being waged against your thinking. There is a spiritual component to this as well. That’s why you face resistance when you try to sit and think? It’s why you find time to watch the TV, but find it difficult to go for a long walk and think? That’s why it’s easier to toy with the Facebook app on your phone than it is to just sit down and think? You fear to be alone enraptured in your thoughts which makes it easier to be average than it is to be elite in your field of endeavor. The way to fight back, and your take away, is to:
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling downof strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; – 2 Corinthians 10:4-5