People go through very hard seasons. Take for example Job, a man of great means. Blessed in every sense of the word. Unequaled in Children, livestock, community leadership, pristine reputation – you name it. Most of all, Job could boast of a solid relationship with God, and God could boast back, calling Job perfect. God gave permission to the devil to touch Job’s circumstance but not his life. The devil ran wild with it, destroying all of Jobs possessions, killing his children and striking him with physical maladies. Job was told that the fire of God fell from heaven to do the destruction. Imagine how grief stricken Job was in that instant, yet I believe He found it in his heart to ask: “What is God doing now”. The God he knew and served wouldn’t likely shred him to pieces like this. The God he knew had His best interest at heart and willed above all things that he be in health and prosper.

Job’s Restoration

Job was also struck with sore boils all over his body. I imagine them popping at will, puss draining out and then returning minutes later. Oh the pain, the anguish. The dejection. Job had reason to doubt but his righteous thinking made him realize that it was foolish to accept only God’s good and not accept God’s “bad”.  Job was weary of life. Yet, In all these, I imagine he asked: “What is God doing now?” He knew that God was working – and He was right. God blessed Job with much more than he had before his troubles. He restored His children, health and wealth. Now you see clearly what God was doing? Today, this story inspires millions of people to hold on in times of adversity.

Do You Believe God is Working?

Haven’t you noticed that the darkest moments is just before the dawn? That the light at the end of the tunnel is just after the darkest and longest bend? A common theme you may have observed in the biblical stories shared throughout this series is this: “Through the demise, God is working”. While you are confident about the positive outcome, you are unperturbed by it. Really, it does not matter what the outcome is. Good or bad, you will stand with Him who is sure, who has proven Himself over and over again. You will stand with Jesus Christ. Won’t you?

And said , Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave , and the LORD hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the LORD. – Job 1:21