How can I pray for you? Something has broken open in the spirit realm, I feel an anointing and I am happy to add my faith with yours in taking your prayer requests to the Lord’s throne. Below, I let go of a secret I use. It’s never failed me yet, and I don’t anticipate it will ever fail, because God cannot fail.
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The secret to why faith is activated during my meetings out in the missions field, and people are healed, is that I do not see the sickness. Many times, I do not even see the person who comes forward to be prayed for. I look up and see Jesus Christ high and lifted up. Far above principalities and powers, and cancer. I see the Jesus who died to set us free and heal us – not the blindness or mutilation. Do you get it?
Stephen Only Had To Look Up
It’s what Stephen saw when he looked up. In front of him was an angry, teeth gnashing mob with stones drawn, ready to take life. Imagine the fear that would have engulfed him if that was all he saw. But his faith got a boost when He looked up. He proceeded to say those immortal words: “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God”. Oh, do you get this? I feel excited right now.
Look Up and Live
The reason things became harder for you, is because you only saw the terrifying circumstance and knee-jerk reacted to it. You didn’t look up. Do this then, instead, look up to Jesus Christ, the author, and finisher of your faith. Rather than fearing how big the mountain before you is, open your mouth and declare to the mountain (whatever it is), how big your God is. I dare you to look up today.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth – Psalm 121:1-2
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Dear Evangelist Uche,
I would like to inform you that God has been good to me. I remember asking you in the recent past to keep on praying for me in as my writing projects are concerned. Tell you what, the Government of Namibia has approved the educational textbooks which I authored. Four of them, physical education for both learners and teachers, and these have been published and are on the market. – Rodgers Upenyu
Until next time, remember, Jesus Christ loves you and so do I.