Doesn’t matter how we are led, or where we are led, but Who leads us. Some of us climb the mountain of cancer, walk the valley of loneliness and temptation, tread the difficult paths of this life with pierced feet, but we walk. We bleed. We weep with fear and pain. We cry out to the One Who leads us: Where are you taking me? What is the point? What would you have me do? –
The reply is the same: Trust in Me. Holy Spirit whispers in my ear the message I don’t want: Take my yoke upon you. Learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your soul. My burden is easy. My yoke is light! Take my hand and walk blind with me, in trust. Never mind where. Just come. Are you coming or not?
I am so slow to learn, and so willful. I want the high road, but lack the fortitude. I want green fields and no sweat because I am frankly lazy and weak and full of fear. But it is the Lord who wants me! Pleads to use me. Holds heaven for me! He promises that all things are possible for me. In Him. Who else, in any realm, loves me so much that He gave His son, for me? Who wants me more? Soul-safe, in Him, I race for the goal, reading His Word with every step, pointing the way to the cross.
Psalm 23:3~ He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake.