Before a Sports team wins a championship, it has to sweat (water), collect injuries (blood), and then deliver the title, but this title in itself is not life. It’s just public acclaim, financial reward and a piece of medal. Yet teams go to any length to achieve this championship. How much more should you and I, seeking the God life, go through Water, Blood and Life?

Jesus Christ Set The Tone

Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane was deep in anguish that the sweat that fell from his brows became as blood. He was about to birth life to the world and so He went through the process. Water, Blood, Life. When He was on the Cross, His sides were pierced bringing forth water, and then blood. He then gave up the ghost, the God Life to us. The Holy Spirit which lives today in you and I.

Water, Blood, Spirit

The process for the birth of a child is: Water (My water broke), Blood (bleeding) and then Life (The baby is pulled out). These are a type of Justification, Sanctification and Baptism in the Holy Spirit! – which leads to Zoe (The God Life). Every birth is a mess, be it in the barn or in a 5 star maternity ward. Bringing  forth life in any endeavor is a mess. You may cry till your make up is ruined. You may perspire blood and tears.  A Christian seeking the God life must then go through Justification (water baptism), sanctification (acceptance of the shed blood of Christ) and Baptism with the Holy Spirit (The God life). This is the life you signed up for when you became a Christian and by God’s grace, you will  prevail.

Then Peter said unto them, Repent , and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. – Acts 2:38