Peter and Andrew had goals they wanted to achieve in 5 years time, being a disciple of Jesus was not one of those goals. They had concrete plans/ blue prints on how to achieve their five year goals. They were probably raised as fishermen, they had studied the trade and become proficient in it. They thought: oh, in a couple of years, we will have one of the biggest fishing enterprise in Galilee. We will be renowned not just out fishing expertise, but also for our business acumen. As they worked hard to realize their dreams, something happened. One day, Jesus passed by and asked both of them to follow him, that He would make them fishers of men. They immediately left ALL, and followed Jesus Christ. They left their dreams, their profession, their livelihoods, the one thing they were good at, their colleagues, their families, their dentist and their community groups – and they followed Jesus.
When God calls, when you see the hand of God, when you sense God’s move, drop all and follow Him – immediately. Delayed obedience is disobedience in this instance. This should not be a time to doubt or ask questions – just move. With God’s commission comes His provision. His movement opens the door for you to walk through. I can’t emphasize it enough – watch for God’s timing. Ask God daily – “What are you doing now, Lord?” It is His good pleasure to reveal Himself to you. You see, Man is always looking at what God has done, and what God will do but so often fail to see what He is doing today, now. Watch for God’s move, then move quickly.
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. – Matthew 4:19-20