Since my last letter, I’ve received testimonies galore. It’s almost overwhelming what God has done in the life of so many readers. Those who wrote me back have given me permission to publish their testimonies,  but I’m concerned we may not have space for all the testimonies. Write me back and let me know if I should write down more testimonies, or just create a link where you can go and celebrate with those who have received their breakthroughs? You know, the fastest way to get your own breakthrough is to rejoice with those who are rejoicing.

We often miss God’s move because we are concerned about the past and the future, which is not bad. The Lord has put it in my heart to advice you with the topic: “Watch & Pray”, see it below:

Click here to watch the video or click on the picture below

There is something called the defensive investor. This is basically, someone  who wants to dabble in the stock market but does not want to lose money. She would be happy if she made gains but certainly abhors losses. To this investor, the school of thought is to “diversify”. Then there is the aggressive investor, or, the speculator. He wants to shoot for the moon, go for a home run. His mantra is go big or go home.  To this person, the school of thought is, “put all your eggs in one basket, and watch it like a hawk”.

As Christians, we are the aggressive investors. We have put all our eggs in one basket, all our hopes in Jesus Christ. The tragedy, is that most Christians stop there. After they have put their trust in Jesus Christ, they relent, and allow apathy take hold. Scripture admonishes to watch and pray lest you fall into temptation.

Unbelievers have the benefit of hindsight, and informs foresight, just as you do. Your advantage as a Christian is that you also have near sight. This is achieved by watching the hand of the Lord closely. The hand of the Lord signifies doing. God does not sleep nor slumber. He is happy to show you where He is, so you may see and follow. Especially when it feels as though the floor has been removed from under you, and despair sets in like rigor mortis. To break this, realize that God is moving in your situation and imploring you today, like He did to the disciples – watch and pray.

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: – Matthew 26:41

It wouldn’t take you too much to bless someone today. Kindly share below:

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I just got promoted to a manager, and further contracts are coming in. I’m glad I started participating in your ministry. Doors are opening for me in this season.

Jesus Christ loves you and so do I. Until next time