One of the finest things in America is Vacation Bible School (VBS). “VBS is a ministry outreach churches provide to educate children about God”– Apryl Duncan. I am too old to be a student at VBS but its concept draws me in.
The VBS Concept


The concept of parents bringing their beloved children, who are out of school and mostly bored at home, to a safe place, where they are taught about God, about living right and about treating people with respect. The concept of a local church reaching out to its community in inviting children

…suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” – Mark 10:14);

taking good care of them, lavishing them with gifts; thereby fulfilling its mandate to be the hands and feet of God. The concept of Children going to a safe place to learn about God, have fun and get a healthy dose of social interaction. A Win-Win-Win concept simply put. If the concept of VBS pervades and prevails in our world then we will have succeeded in bringing heaven down to earth. Watch the video below and see for yourself.