While the body of Jesus Christ was entangled in a shroud, He marched with dexterity to the gate of Hades with His entire body covered in glory and His mantle seemed brighter than ten suns. Then, Jesus Christ commanded ‘’lift up your heads o you gates. Be lifted up, you ancient doors that the king of glory may come in’’.
The Shroud


An embattled Prince of Persia then asked ‘’who is this king of Glory?’’. The Lord replied like thunder ‘’The Lord strong and mighty in battle’’. The splendor of Jesus Christ covered the entire Hades and He proceeded with another decree ‘’lift up your heads, o you ancient gate, lift them up you ancient doors that the king of Glory may come in’’. The terrified old serpent danced like a rattled window, with a drowning voice he asked again ‘’who is this king of glory? And Jesus replied ‘’He is the king of Glory’’. There and then, Jesus Christ collected the keys of Hades and Death. Satan immediately went down on his kneels and worshiped him. The keys of Death and Hades are now on the holy hands of Jesus Christ, this has confirmed His status as the resurrection and life. The resurrection power of Jesus Christ has giving us the hope that if we die in Christ, we will live with Him. All these things happened within the space of three days. On the morning of the third day, Jesus Christ was no longer in shroud attire. He had risen from death as a guarantee that those who sleep in death will also be raised (1 cor 15:20-24). While Jesus Christ was in a shroud, His blood became an atonement for the sins of mankind, speaking louder and better things than the blood of Abel. Today, tomorrow and forever, Jesus Christ still remains the same (Heb 13:8).

The Resurrection


The shroud could not hold Jesus Christ captive, the tomb could not suffocate his destiny, death could not eliminate Him and Satan had to bow down before Him. As the shroud was red like blood, so was the face of the Earth as dark as sin but today we have been redeemed by the precious blood of ‘’The Lamb’’ of GOD. Hoorah! Jesus Christ is alive forevermore. He alone has the power to resurrect your: marriage, business, career, education, spiritual life etc. Come to Jesus Christ not by night. Behold, He stands and knocks at the door and if any man should open the door of his/her heart, the king of Glory will come in (Rev 3:20- Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me).


Bulututu Ozuah
Associate Partner – ONYX Ministry
Freelance Jornalist, Novelist, Playright and Poet