orchestrate: – to arrange or manipulate, especially by means of clever or thorough planning or maneuvering:

I had the pleasure of meeting legendary investor, Warren Buffett years ago in Omaha, Nebraska. Along with several other students, I came to him for wisdom on how to pick stocks and be successful. But the advice he gave us was to not “miss it” when it became time to choose a spouse. All the decisions we will make in the stock market pales in comparison to this, he said. All his financial gains would have not been possible had he not married well. This advice is what Ahab missed when he chose Jezebel for a spouse. Ahab’s decision troubled the entire nation. Rain (sustenance), was withdrawn from Israel. But God was orchestrating…


Sustenance in the Midst of Drought

A poor Zarephath widow had perhaps, married well but her husband died unexpectedly, leaving her to cater for their only son. God saw her. She had done all she could to provide for her young son, perhaps worked 3 jobs. But now that the economy had tanked, she soon found herself preparing their last meal. God orchestrated that she get the honor of sustaining his prophet Elijah, and that her food bank never ran dry. Even her son was raised from the dead. (1 Kings 17). God was not asleep, He was orchestrating…


God Ain’t Sleeping

It makes no sense, you say. You’ve prayed, you’ve done all you know to do but it still appears as though sustenance has been withdrawn from an area of your life. Is God awake? You bet! God never sleeps. He is on your case. As you read this, He is orchestrating something grand for His glory. I don’t know about you, but I know His strength is made perfect in my weakness. As dry as it looks around me, I hear the sound of an abundant rain. Do you hear it too? Do you believe that the master orchestrator is at work on your behalf?

PS: Two lessons here: 1. If you are not yet married, choose right. 2. Your current lack of sustenance in an area of life, is proof that God is pulling an all-niter, orchestrating something grand for you.

Behold, He that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleep – Psalm 121:4