One of the best part of my job is that I get to hear stories of hope, redemption, and yes, of suffering from around the world. I received a touching message on twitter from Noella. In her words:

Your testimony from your profile has really inspired me. I was married in October 2013 at the age of 24 and lost my husband and first pregnancy 8 months later. Not many thought I would survive it, but each day I awake to a freshness of God’s love. There’s healing in my spirit and my soul. Was just inspired to share this with you sir. God bless and increase you, your ministry and family.

I encourage you to watch the simply made youtube video below and tell me if you can phantom that the person who wrote the words above also sang this beautiful song? “I’m just a mortal man, and You are an awesome God“. Be encouraged that suffering is just an opportunity to impact the world in a substantial way. Your story is unequaled and unparalleled. Unique for you to herald Jesus.


Nepal’s Renaissance 

But Noelle is not alone, recently in Nepal, countless number of husbands lost their wives, son’s lost their dads, brothers lost their sisters, due to an earthquake. I wrote recently about this tragedy and it went viral. You helped pray for this Country. Now would you join me as I make my first trip to Nepal in person. On October 26th, I will be fellow-shipping with my brother Reuben Rai and many others impacted by the earthquake in Kathmandu on October 26th. I can’t even begin to imagine the suffering they’ve seen. May we together bring comfort, hope and encouragement.


You Have The Victory

If Jesus did not suffer, you and I will not be saved. We will be above all men most miserable. You don’t know what’s in you until you are squeezed. The more you are squeezed, the more your oil flows. Your God is too much. All things are working for your good. You are different and the Holy Spirit in you makes this difference. Come hell or high water, your God will sustain you. When the devil rushes in like a flood, the Holy Spirit will raise up a standard against him. The devil is a liar. He was defeated at the cross. he is a faux, a deceiver, a pretender. he has no power over you. Not an ounce. Fear not, for He that is in you is much greater than the multiplicity of problems you face. You are saved. You are beautiful. And when you change bodies, you will do so gloriously and triumphantly. Smile Nepal, God is very near you.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. – John 16:33

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