While at it, let’s also collectively pray for Nepal. Reuben Rai, my good friend, lives and does ministry in Nepal. Reuben invites me to his country for evangelistic meetings, so we stay in touch. Reuben understands the biblical principle to “Pray for Jerusalem”. To pray for the peace of your country.
Here is what Reuben wrote me recently:
I want to take this moment to ask your prayer for my country Nepal. January 22 (today) is the final deadline to announce the new constitutional draft but there seems to be disagreement among the parties. Not sure if there will be an announcement. Yesterday’s heated debate eventually turned into a brawl in parliament. The parliamentary Chairman was attacked late at night during a meeting around 1AM. Your prayers are needed for Nepal so that this situation comes to a peaceful landing.
Jesus asked us to pray for our leaders. If you are not praying for your country, who will? When you pray for your Country, you pray for yourself. Do you know that your peace and prosperity, is tied to your Country? Your country reflects you, whether you like it or not. God could have birthed you from any Country in the world, but He chose your home Country. He knows what He is doing. Embrace your Country. Don’t speak evil about, nor give up on your Country. Pray for your Country.
And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives , and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace. – Jeremiah 29:7