As an undergraduate student, I had no previous experience or preparation for the menial jobs I undertook. I needed the money. I figured I would either swim or sink in it. As others worked, I watched closely and did what they did. This helped me hold jobs long enough till I could pay school fees. I learned on the job. I had to
Ready but didn’t know it
Moses was being called upon to rescue the Israelites? Wouldn’t that need months or even years of training? To the carnal mind, it does, but the needed training had already occurred. While Moses was herding sheep, and supporting his family, God was teaching him to be a leader and a servant. While Moses was content to serve his father-in-law Jethro infinitely, God was teaching him obedience and subjection. Unbeknownst to Moses, he was learning on the job. He was more than prepared for the task ahead.
You can do all things through Christ …
Do you feel unprepared for the task ahead? Do you secretly nurse the fear that maybe you are not good enough? That you are not yet ready to seize your big moment? I get it. Preparation is the mother of confidence. Yet understand that God calls you not because you are ready but because He is ready. God only needs faith and obedience from you, the rest He can handle. That God sent you does not mean that you are going it alone. He is with you every step of the way. And from Him, with Him, and through Him, you too can learn on the job.
So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.” And He said, “Cast it on the ground.” So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it.- Exodus 4:2