There is the story of an old man named Sam, who lived with his daughter. Sam became a Christian in his latter years and became the joke of his friends who could not help but laugh that “Old Sam had got the religion”. Sam upon his conversion, studied the Bible day in and day out, bursting out in intermittent shouts of joy as he read through random passages.
One day, his daughter approached him and asked him to keep his shouting on the “down-low” because she was having some friends over. In fact, she was going to put him in the attic, confiscate his Bible (which makes him shout for joy), and instead give him some geography books, so he could be quiet.
Old Sam sat up in the attic reading about Oceans, while his daughter entertained her guests downstairs. Suddenly, ground shaking stomps and shouting began to emanate from the attic. The daughter, looking quite purple with embarrassment, excused herself and climbed up to accost her dad. “Dad why are you shouting she asked, aren’t you reading Geography books?”. Her dad replied, “you know honey, I read in scripture the other day that:
He will turn again , he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. – Micah 7:19
Well, honey, I was just reading in this geography book that there are certain Oceans where the bottom cannot be found. Think of it? My sins, our sins have been buried so deep they cannot be found. Oh GLORY HALLELUJAH he shouted even more with tears rolling down his eyes.I am loved! I am loved!! I am loved!!!
Are you struggling to show Christ like love to others? Then you only need to introspect. How many times have you sinned and transgressed the ways of the Lord? How many times have you known the right thing and still did not do it, understanding:
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. – James 4:17
Yet you are loved so ravishingly and so graciously that by one prayer of faith for forgiveness – your sins are cast into the sea of forgetfulness. God’s work on the cross and his daily forgiveness is the framework, the standard, the mindset, if you will, for showing Christ like love to others. Now go and extend this same grace, this same love, and this same forgiveness – to others.