Over the last 28 days, tweets God has used me to send out on twitter have garnered a stunning 170,000 impressions. There have been 679 replies, 972 re-tweets and 1,200 favorites. Many have found encouragement in God’s word. Someone gave his life to Christ on twitter. Hundreds subscribe to receive regular encouraging messages and even forward them on to friends and family members facing struggles. In the past, one had to go through seminary, get ordained by the denomination and wait till the Senior Pastor retires before you could mount the pulpit and share in God’s joys of impacting lives. But the days are a-changing. Today, it is possible to reach hundreds of thousands of people with the life saving message of Jesus Christ in one day – without climbing the pulpit or going on a multi-city evangelism tour.

Then and Now

During the time of Martin Luther, ordinary people were not allowed access to the word of God. It was in Latin. Only the ordained priests could bring the word to the people. Martin Luther helped translate the word to German and for the first time, the masses could read for themselves and discover that they are saved by grace ALONE. They started sharing the word broadly. I believe God has used Social Media in the same way to break barriers. God has leveled the playing field to allow ordinary Christians like you and I to partake in the joys and spoils of sharing His word. This is an exciting time to be alive and an even more exciting time to be a Christian.

Happy Sharing

If you have Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn or Instagram. You have an opportunity to bring the gospel to someone lost. You now have a conduit to bring healing to someone you don’t know about and will probably never meet in your life time.  To touch someone 3,000 miles away using your cell phone. So what are you waiting for? Get on your social media account and share God’s goodness. It’s only going to keep growing. You don’t need a PhD to do this. You only need to say how God has changed you and How He can change others. #HappySharing

But the hour cometh , and now is , when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him – John 4:23