It was but 5 years ago, when my brother was struggling with issues. A call of God so mighty in his life, he could not run from it. And like biblical Jonah running from God but later being used mightily to call a nation to repentance; so also my brother, finally acquiescing to the will of God, is now a messenger of the Most High. It was but 2007 when my brother would make God inquires with a fervency that made the panting deer jealous; yet today when he speaks, people listen, the devil runs and God’s kingdom is being established here on earth. It’s been 5 years of training, 5 years of ups and down. A seeming roller coaster from the cheerful mountain peaks to the depressing valley depths– and back again. A rampant search for God’s will tendered with the graceful surrender, “Your will be done”.
Through my brother’s life, God has shown me that He can do anything – and I mean ANYTHING, with a life that is surrendered to Him. Brace yourself, God’s new generals are arising and I am proud to know one of them – Chad Damitz.