The air around me felt damp as the steaming water flowed from my head to my toes. I had set the temperature at its highest and just allowed the water that emanated from the shower head, run for hours on end, it seemed like. Deep in thought, I asked myself how it was that God had allowed me come this far. What seemed like a dream was now an unfolding reality – but with upcoming limitations. It’s not the first time I’ve been in these situations before but it was becoming more and more apparent, I may have to drop out of school after only one semester. The reason being that I may not be able to come up with the $9,000.00 needed to enroll for the upcoming semester at the University of Indianapolis. In that moment, the sense of anxiety gave way to a feeling of gratitude – I was infact:
I remember praying and thanking God, that if it ends here, if it stops with just one semester, I will be forever grateful. I believe the God of the universe heard that little prayer because it didn’t just stop with one semester; it went on the completion of a master’s degree – debt free.
See, in my life, God has proven o’er and o’er that He is:
… able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” – Ephesians 3:20