It is here. After two years of writing, and travelling the world giving this message, I am glad to see it finally in print form. In a book. “What is God Doing Now?” #WIGDN, is now a reality. Here is the link to pre-order the book from amazon: . I appreciate so much your supporting the ministry and yourself by ordering this book. The picture in this post is the cover of the book. I’ve seen the blessed reaction of people who’ve heard this message in person. From the mountains of Nepal, to the vibrant colors of the Punjab, India. From laid back Indianapolis, USA to the hustle of Mwingi, Kenya. Indeed, God is always at work in our lives, especially during the down times.
New Year Anthem
Today, I am releasing the soundtrack to the book. The title of the Song is: “Walking on Water“. You can listen to it here: on Soundcloud. Please leave a comment on the song if you can. Your comment helps the music reach even more people who are then pulled into the ministry to experience God. The format is mostly targeting millennials but it’s message is for all, with rap mix and sonic melodies. There is also an Afro feel to it. It’s different. It’s audacious. It’s exquisite. Because you are a member of my family, I will be giving you the .mp3 download as a New Year’s gift in a subsequent email. I prayed over the song so be expectant.
Go on and Walk on Water
My former manager once told me that getting a 5 star on my annual review meant I was walking on water. It meant I was doing the impossible. I say that to you as well. May you walk on water in 2017. May you walk in newness of life. May you do the impossible. May this song be an anthem that rings you into the New year. Sing out loudly: “I am walking on Water”. Happy New year. May 2017 be your best year ever. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. – Mark 16:17