I would rather be able to appreciate things I cannot have than to have things I am not able to appreciate – Elbert Hubbard

There is the story of a boy who complained about not having shoes. While most children his age had lots of shoes, he couldn’t even own one. This complaining continued until he saw another boy his age, go past without legs – using crutches. He considered the situation, and obtained wisdom. He knew that it was not the boy’s fault that he was born lame. He began to appreciate the fact that  he had legs, and made sure he washed his legs daily from the dust he picked up while walking.

The moment you stop to appreciate, you start to depreciate. Complaining will never get any problem genuinely solved nor will it win you God’s favor. Anyone with a thankful countenance cannot be kept down. No one can make a complainer out of you when you appreciate everything from the blooming of young flowers to the growing of weeds – from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same.

Don’t forget the babies born with HIV at no choice or doing of theirs. Don’t forget the people dying because they can’t afford meals. Oh, don’t forget people suffering from various forms of diseases, again of no choosing of theirs, while you wake up each day, and go to bed without serious ailments. Pause for a moment now to consider this. While you live, breath and think – be appreciative.