It’s been several months now, since I sat in the living room with my dad and brother watching Anthony Bourdain waltz through the Punjab on CNN. The show was beautiful, the colors of the place, livid, and the food? Mmmmmm… You could almost taste it’s goodness from the TV screen. The division of India into two states, India and Pakistan by the British, highlighted on the show, struck a chord in me. I decided to do some research on it and through that, learned a bit more about the Punjab. Over the next few days, my brother, dad and I made pleasant jokes using the word “Punjab”. We just loved that name.

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An Invitation Came

A few weeks after watching the Punjab show on CNN, I received an email from Pastor John Lubhaya of New Jerusalem Charitable Society (NJCS), asking me to come preach at a Christian Crusade in the Punjab. Of all places. Because it had the name Punjab on it, I paid attention, I was interested. What is God doing now? I asked. Is God asking me to accept this invitation. If so, will He provide the funds to go and return? I prayed. I heard YES in my spirit. I emailed Pastor John accepting his invitation but gave no further thought to this.

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A Reminder

My brother in-law Zimuzo, came to visit us in Indianapolis. I offered to drive him to Chicago to catch his connecting flight. I recalled that there was an Indian embassy in Chicago. So I took my visa application there as well and received a visa the same day. Many have said getting an Indian visa is a hassle. I tried to get one for Pakistan as well but that process hasn’t been completed yet. This was further proof God wanted me to go to Punjab, India. I purchased my ticket. Pastor Lubhaya stayed in touch and God used him to challenge my faith as well as my ministry – helping it grow.

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Fighting Demons

Monday October 27th, I sat tossing and turning in my Hotel bed in Delhi, India. Do I go to the Punjab? Do I board my connecting flight tomorrow to Amritsar? I prayed. The Punjab is close to the Indian border with Pakistan. “Worse” still, the venue I will be preaching at is close to Jammu and Kashmir. The U.S Department of State  recommends that U.S Citizens  are not to go within 10 KM of the border with Pakistan. My colleague back in the United States warned not to go near that area. Oh the joys of preaching the gospel. I prayed some more. I was tempted to call Pastor Lubhaya and cancel my appearance. The Holy Spirit rebuked me. I prayed. I was reminded of how the devil tried to stop this trip. This was more proof I should go. OK, Lord, I will go. I have a great life in the United States, but if you’ve ordained that it ends in the Punjab, so be it… (To be Continued …)

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this series where I detail day to day activities

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For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God – Romans 8:14






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